Welcome to my website

I am a software engineer and, in my free time, an independent game designer. I specialize in content development, working directly with artists and designers to build interactions, levels, and whole games. I am excited working with top level scripting tools to take a game mechanic from a concept to a prototype. I take pride in turning the prototype into a general solution that is still working in a new design months later. Beyond that, my hope is to work on as wide a variety of problems as possible, and learn as much as I can about game design and development in the process.

Beyond my technical abilities, I bring three core skills to the table. The first is communication. I make it my mission to explain technical roadblocks and limitations to artists and designers who are less familiar with these aspects of the project. It's my job to explain the cost of their ideas. The other half of that is listening, after all, I don't make what the designer asked for, I've wasted everyone's time.

The second is flexibility, adapting to the needs of the the team, the project, and the moment. Ultimately, the decisions about the final product are made by designers, producers, and users. My job has me adapt to whatever decisions get made, whether that means refactoring a large part of the codebase, replacing a central component, or abandoning a feature with a lot of work put into it and starting fresh.

Last, but far from least is innovation. Most of the time, the engine is the same engine it was yesterday. I make the same engine do something new. This means improvising and trusting that I will figure out how to do something I know can be done. It also means conserving time and effort. While it's tempting to add every new function to the engine so you never need to do it again, designing for a general case takes time and effort, and part of the job is knowing when that is better spent elsewhere. Clunky prototypes are a good thing. Polish is for proven ideas.

If you wish to contact me, or you find a bug on this website, please send me an email at:

You can also look me up on social media through any of the links below:

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